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IMCA safety flashes disseminate important information on incidents and potential hazards and the lessons learnt from them that can help prevent incidents occurring elsewhere in the industry.

Individual safety events are available individually online, tagged and searchable, while the traditional PDF collections are also available for download.

Submit a Report

All members are encouraged to contribute relevant safety-related information – please visit our Safety Flash Reporting page for details on the submission process.

IMCA Contact

Nicholas Hough
Consultant - Safety and Security

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Failure of chamber door spindles and seals

A member’s diving support vessel (DSV) had recently completed a period of maintenance with some minor work on the saturation chamber system, which included door hinge realignment. During pressurisation of […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 07/07

Failure of chamber door hydraulic actuator

A member has reported the failure of a transfer under pressure (TUP) door hydraulic actuator. After divers had transferred from the chamber into the bell, an attempt was made to […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 07/07

Wire inserts in anchor line parted

A member has reported an incident in which wire inserts parted in two anchor lines of a semi-submersible accommodation unit connected to a fixed platform during extreme weather conditions (9 […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 07/07

Weld failure on Kirby Morgan KM17B 505-055 neck clamp

A member has reported that a weld on an eight-year-old Kirby Morgan neck clamp arrangement has failed. Kirby Morgan Dive Systems has indicated to the company that this may have […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 06/07

Diver injury using cavitation blaster

A member has reported that a diver sustained a high pressure water injection injury whilst using a recently developed 4500 psi cavitation water blaster.   During marine growth removal operations […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 06/07

Interim measures after the Bourbon Dolphin incident

The Norwegian Maritime Directorate has issued the attached press release regarding measures it is introducing, in co-operation with the shipping industry, following the Bourbon Dolphin incident. Members will be interested […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 05/07

Forklift truck incident

A member has reported an incident in which an employee was injured whilst working with a forklift truck. Two crew members had placed slings on a pipe and planned to […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 04/07

Near-miss: Hyperbaric fire extinguisher incident

A member has reported a near-miss incident in which the safety valve assembly of a twin cylinder hyperbaric fire extinguisher blew off during ‘routine’ checks. A mechanical technician was carrying […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 03/07

Divex HSE Alert – Valve seat retainer

IMCA has been asked to publicise the attached HSE alert HSE001-2007 issued by Divex regarding problems with valve seat retainers. See for details.

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 02/07

Kirby Morgan Safety Bulletin – Helmet shell repair caution

IMCA has been asked to publicise the attached safety bullet #1 of 2007 issued by Kirby Morgan Dive Systems Inc. entitled Helmet Shell Repair Caution. See for details.

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 02/07

Pipe under tension on a reel

A member has relayed a report of an incident involving a reel containing pipe under tension at a third party’s onshore facility. An employee, unaware that the pipe was under […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 01/07

Subsea chain lever hoist failure

IMCA has received a report of a near-miss resulting from a failure of a chain lever hoist being used in a subsea operation. The hoist had a safe working load […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 01/07

Near-miss: Divers nearly hit by weight on taut wire

IMCA has received a report of a near-miss incident wherein a taut wire weight narrowly missed two divers before coming to rest next to a subsea structure. There was no […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 14/06

DP run-off incident – Class 2 DP vessel

IMCA has received a report of a DP run-off caused by operational changes to the DP system which led to the loss of all reference systems. The DP class 2 […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 14/06

Open lifeboat – corroded tie band side plates

IMCA has received the following report regarding corrosion to lifeboat parts which could have resulted in loss of life. An empty open lifeboat was lowered to the embarkation platform, when […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 13/06

Wire break in wind sensor caused DP drive-off

A member has reported an incident in which one of its vessels suffered a DP drive-off during valve monitoring operations in open water. The wind was light – 5-10 knots […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 12/06

Warning regarding Imenco Minilatch – ROV fell onto deck

IMCA has received the attached safety alert regarding the Imenco Minilatch following an incident whereby an ROV fell from its launch and retrieval latch onto the deck of the support […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 11/06

2229 post(s)