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IMCA safety flashes disseminate important information on incidents and potential hazards and the lessons learnt from them that can help prevent incidents occurring elsewhere in the industry.

Individual safety events are available individually online, tagged and searchable, while the traditional PDF collections are also available for download.

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All members are encouraged to contribute relevant safety-related information – please visit our Safety Flash Reporting page for details on the submission process.

IMCA Contact

Nicholas Hough
Consultant - Safety and Security

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Fire in the engine room

What happened A vessel suffered a fire in the engine room. The incident occurred after the vessel was leaving port during the hours of darkness in calm weather. The vessel […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 17/20

Engine room fire – a small rag left after maintenance

What happened There was a small fire in the engine room of a large multi-engined vessel. Work had been carried out the previous night to replace a sheared bolt on […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 17/20

Listing of crew boat due to water ingress

What happened? During her first voyage after drydocking, a crew boat started to list.  A bilge alarm signal was received on the bridge, informing that there was water inside starboard […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 21/19

Smouldering coiled extension cable

What happened? While ventilating a manhole in the engine room, the fire alarm was triggered when an electrical extension lead overheated, melting the insulation and started smouldering. What went wrong? […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 19/19

Main engine turbocharger lagging on fire

What happened? The duty engineer noticed smoke and fire coming from a main engine turbocharger lagging.  The bridge was informed immediately and the starboard main engine control was transferred to […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 15/19

Hazard hunt: fire dampers and fixed firefighting systems

What happened? A member reports four recent Port State Control detentions for its vessels; two of which related to fire safety, fire dampers and fixed firefighting equipment.  In one incident, […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 04/19

Fuel spray fire

What happened? The Marine Safety Forum (MSF) have released Safety Alert 18-16, in which a vessel experienced machinery failure which could have resulted in a far more serious outcome. The […]

| Included in IMCA Safety Flash 15/18

104 post(s)