IN 1688 – IMCA approval of ROV introductory training courses
- Information Note
- Published on 29 July 2024
- 3 minute read
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1. Introduction
This Information Note updates Information Note 1624, which is now withdrawn.
IMCA introduced its scheme for approval of ROV Introductory Training courses in January 2023. Several providers have successfully completed or are undergoing assessment, with a directory of approved courses available on our website.
Training providers are required to submit data on those successfully completing their course. This now enables the industry to verify the credentials of individuals entering the industry with our online verification tool.
The previously advised requirement for Members providing ROV training to apply for and obtain approval as a condition of membership is now in effect.
2. Background
For some years, there have been false ROV certificates in circulation claiming to be from, or authorised by, IMCA. Recently, the number of these false certificates being reported has increased. Until recently, IMCA had never authorised or approved any ROV courses, but this scheme was introduced to address the above concerns.
This initiative is based on the contents of IMCA R002, newly retitled Requirements for IMCA-approved ROV introductory training courses.
The intention of this new scheme is to ensure that:
- The introductory ROV course is based on a clear set of learning objectives, as laid out in R002 Section 6.
- New entrants to the industry have an appropriate technical background and meet the minimum requirements, as laid down in R002 Section 5, prior to embarking on the course.
- A baseline syllabus, ensures that specific knowledge areas are covered adequately in the introductory course, as laid out in R002 Section 6.2, as modules 1 to 3. This can be expanded on by companies or training establishments to suit particular requirements.
- The industry has a verifiable standard in place.
Successful completion of the course qualifies the applicant to undertake more advanced ROV training and start the competence process, set out in tables R04 and R14 of Guidance on competence assurance and assessment – Remote Systems & ROV Division (IMCA C005).
3. Membership and course content
Only IMCA Members in the training provider (T2) or Contractor (GCo/ICo/Co) categories are eligible to seek course approval. Members engaged in ROV training are now required to seek and obtain course approval as a condition of their continuing membership.
The assessment procedure for both new applicants and existing members is identical and is set out in IMCA assessment procedure for training course approval (IMCA G010), which refers to R002 for the course-specific detail. In summary, the audit consists of two phases:
- An initial desktop audit, where requested documents will be inspected to highlight any potential shortfalls.
- A physical on-site audit, carried out by IMCA assessors to review the course delivery and facilities. An initial new course audit fee is required but ongoing revalidation costs will be absorbed into annual membership renewal fees.
New applicants for membership will be required to undergo the standard application for membership process alongside the audit assessment process.
You will be required to submit an online application form to us via our website, where additional information on the membership application process can also be found. Current Contractor Members will also be required to apply for affiliate Supplier membership, details of which can also be found here.
4. Further information
For more information, please contact IMCA:
- Specific queries on the Membership/application process can be made to:
- Technical course content queries to the Technical team.