IN 1398 – IMCA marine renewable energy walk to work (W2W) decision support tool

  • Information Note
  • Published on 20 February 2018
  • 2 minute read

1. Introduction

The IMCA Marine Renewable Energy Walk to Work (W2W) Decision Support Tool is intended as a guide for supporting those companies who have determined a need for a W2W solution to help identify key considerations when developing their W2W configuration.

Download the previously published PDF below which includes imagery and higher resolution tables.

2. Decision tool

IN 1398 Decision Tool

3. Optimum W2W Vessel Capability Matrix

When considering operations, it is essential that the emergency response plan including required response times are taken into account.

All vessels considered in these matrices are mono-hull, longer than 24m and greater than 300GRT.

‘Restricted’ refers to the relative ease of access to the point of embarkation.


Poor prevailing conditions = Average Wave Height >1.5 m/Sea State >3/Wind speed >10kts/Visibility <Moderate/ Environmental Vector >2ktsTable one

Poor prevailing conditions = Average Wave Height >1.5 m/Sea State >3/Wind speed >10kts/Visibility <Moderate/ Environmental Vector >2kts

Table two

Benign prevailing conditions = Average Wave Height <1.5 m/Sea State <3/Wind speed <10kts/Visibility >Moderate/ Environmental Vector <2kts

Table three

Benign prevailing conditions = Average Wave Height <1.5 m/Sea State <3/Wind speed <10kts/Visibility >Moderate/ Environmental Vector <2kts


4. Relevant Guidance