This document provide guidelines and principles to improve performance and ensure fair risk allocation in marine contracting projects.
Company Group and Contractor Group Property and Personnel
Project Works (including both Company and Contractor Supplied Items)
Third Parties
Consequential Losses
Gross Negligence and Wilful Misconduct
Warranty Obligations
Limitation of Liabilities
Minimum Insurance Requirements
Force Majeure and Suspension
Variation Orders
Free Access to Work Site
Intellectual Property Rights
Termination by Company for Convenience
Company’s Obligation to Pay Contractor
Extraordinary Risk
Appendix 1 – IMCA Competition Law Compliance Policy (IMCA LCIC001)
Rev. 4.1 - June 2024Page 2, template and bookmarking updated; no change to content
Rev. 4 - February 2017To add a new clause defining gross negligence and wilful misconduct and the updated principle on anti-corruption
Rev. 3 - December 2015To include the updated IMCA competition law compliance policy
Rev. 2 - November 2014To include 17th principle on anti-corruption
Rev. 1 - May 2011To include 16th principle on extraordinary risk
Rev. 0 - February 2005Initial publication