A framework for annual dynamic positioning (DP) trials programmes with an independent IMCA-accredited DP practitioner onboard.
Executive Summary
Existing Industry and Statutory Requirements for DP Annual Trials
Development of the DP Annual Trials Programme
Conduct of DP Annual Tests
Format of the DP Annual Trials Report
Class Approved Data Driven/Digital Trials
Rev. 3.2 - May 2024Page 2 and document bookmarking (better navigation) updated
Rev. 3.1 - August 2023Correcting errors in cross references and formatting changes
Rev. 3 - July 2023
Rev. 2.1 - January 2020Minor amendment made to Section 5.1
Rev. 2 - September 2019To review that the guidance meets current industry practice following the recent publication of IMO MSC.1/Circ.1580 Ensure the requirements for Cumulative testing are covered by IMCA Guidance.
Rev. 1 - March 2017Updated to incorporate IMCA M190A, IMCA M191 and IMCA M212
Rev. - November 2012Initial publication