Developed by IMCA’s members to set expectations on managing key environmental and climate topics associated with offshore marine construction.
Executive Summary
Significant Environmental Aspects
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Energy Management and Energy Efficiency
Life Below Water
Encouraging a Circular Economy, Waste Management and End-Of-Life Assets
Raising Awareness, Competence and Training
Engaging with the Supply Chain
Embracing Automation and Digitalisation and Associated Environmental Benefits
Measuring and Monitoring Industry Progress
Appendix 1 - Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and Commitments
Appendix 2 - Key Environmental Aspects Found in Global Frameworks and Standards Where Illustrative KPIs Can Be Found
Appendix 3 - Carbon Intensity Indicator Proposed Proxies
Rev. 1 - March 2024Reviewed by the Environmental Sustainability Committee with relevant industry updates
Rev. 0 - May 2021Initial publication