LTI: Finger injury during emergency recovery of ROV

  • Safety Flash
  • Published on 27 November 2024
  • Generated on 14 March 2025
  • IMCA SF 23/24
  • 2 minute read

A worker suffered a serious finger injury when their finger was caught between a crane wire and the recovery hook on an ROV.

What happened?

The incident occurred during an emergency recovery of the ROV. A small boat (an FRC) was used to facilitate connecting the ROV emergency rigging sling to the crane hook to allow recovery of the ROV to deck. Movement of the crane headache ball was controlled by having it slightly submerged and having the forerunner with ROV hook tied up with a rope to the crane wire.

The plan was for a second person to use the boathook to retrieve the ROV/crane hook, which would then be connected to the emergency rigging. When it was connected to the crane, the securing line from the ROV to the FRC would then be released.

The worker successfully retrieved the emergency rigging on the ROV and attached it to the FRC by a securing rope. Then the FRC moved away from the vessel and the crane operator on the vessel started paying out wire and manoeuvring the rigging towards the FRC. However, before retrieving the crane hook, the worker had to release the ROV hook attached to the crane wire with a thin rope, using a knife. As the worker did so, their finger was pinched, resulting in an amputation down to approximately the nail bed on the left ring finger.


Photo of an ROV

What went right?

  • A thorough toolbox talk, with all relevant personnel participating, had been held before the work took place

What went wrong?

  • The step of releasing the ROV hook from the crane wire was not identified as a step, hence it was neither planned for nor risk assessed.
  • Once the emergency recovery had started, the steps that needed to be taken were not sufficiently detailed in the plan or procedure.
  • Fault finding and repair of latching mechanism on LARS ought to have been attempted prior to emergency recovery.

Actions taken

  • Reviewed and updated Emergency Recovery procedure and risk assessment relating to it.
  • Ensured that sufficient detailed planning, risk assessment and task evaluation take place particularly for emergency operations.
  • Established regular training in emergency recovery scenarios using the FRC. 

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