Sprained ankle whilst climbing on equipment
- Safety Flash
- Published on 5 July 2019
- Generated on 26 January 2025
- IMCA SF 16/19
- 2 minute read
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A crewman slipped and sprained his ankle climbing off equipment on which he had been working
What happened?
The incident occurred inside a transition piece (the lower part of an offshore wind turbine tower).
A crewman was climbing down off a cable rack (on which he had climbed to loosen cable cleats and apply a heat blanket) when he slipped off and twisted his ankle, loosing balance and falling onto the floor.
He managed to walk back to the vessel over the walk-to-work (W2W) gangway on his own, and suffered no fractures; however, he sprained his ankle, restricting him from normal duties for three days.
What were the causes?
- The cable rack was not designed to be climbed on; the spacing between rungs varies and does not follow the standard for fixed ladders.
- Access to the work location on top of the cable rack was not addressed in the risk assessment and the related procedure.
- Inadequate mitigations implemented; the narrow workspace in the transition piece does not allow the use of stepladders and work platforms.
What lessons were learned?
- Identify hazards at design stage to ensure that safe access can be achieved.
- Before starting work, safe access to any site should be established. If this can’t be achieved, then STOP the job and report the issue to your Supervisor.
- Ladders and platforms – safe and appropriate to the conditions should be used and working at height processes should be followed.
Related Safety Flashes
IMCA SF 02/14
20 February 2014
IMCA SF 02/10
8 April 2010
IMCA SF 07/13
9 May 2013
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