Finger injury during manual handling

  • Safety Flash
  • Published on 19 March 2025
  • Generated on 19 March 2025
  • IMCA SF 05/25
  • 2 minute read

An IMCA’s members’ utilities supplier in the United States reports a serious finger injury during manual handling

What happened?

Crew on a land-based site were working on some large (3m x 4m) steel frames used for shoring. The crew were disassembling the shoring. Most of the disassembly was complete when a steel bar weighing around 100kg became dislodged as it was being manually manoeuvred by a crew member. The steel bar was sitting on a curved pick-ring which caused it to roll onto the crew members’ finger. His finger was crushed, necessitating hospital treatment.

What went wrong?

The crew were manually handling the steel frames rather than using tools to do the job and so keeping hands and fingers out of the line of fire.

What are the lessons

  • When dismantling large pieces of equipment, make sure every single piece is secure from sudden movement before it comes apart.
  • Use correct lifting tools rather than hands, and so keep out of pinch points and the line of fire.
  • Ensure familiarity with loads and equipment being handled before starting: this may be particularly true for third-party or rented equipment.

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