MSF: Cook got chemicals in eye

  • Safety Flash
  • Published on 6 March 2025
  • Generated on 6 March 2025
  • IMCA SF 04/25
  • 2 minute read

The Marine Safety Forum (MSF) published Safety Alert 24-10 relating to an incident in which a cook got chemicals splashed in the eye.

The incident occurred during the routine cleaning of the galley after dinner service was complete. The vessel cook used Foaming Oven Cleaner which contained Sodium Hydroxide. This was sprayed into the cooker hood, leaving it a while to activate. The cook returned soon after to inspect the area being cleaned when some of the chemical cleaner dropped from the cooker hood, falling between the cook’s prescription glasses and the left eye. The cleaning solution made contact with the cooks left eyeball causing severe irritation and a burning sensation.

First response included a thorough cleanse of the cook’s eye using sterile eye wash and Fluorescein Eye Drops. As a precautionary measure the Coastguard Doctor was called who advised that the cook should be medevac’d and so was airlifted to a local hospital for review and further treatment.

A Galley

Why did it happen?

  • The cook was not wearing appropriate or correct eye protection;
  • There was a “lack of situational awareness” – meaning, STOP AND THINK for a moment before peering into any confined space, including an oven with cleaning chemicals sprayed in it.

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