Nearly 10,000 regularly receive our Safety Flashes straight to their email inbox, ensuring that lessons learned can be shared with the entire sector. Search our online archive of more than 2,000 reports online, or view the latest below.

Alongside this, our Technical Library features the latest recommended safety best practice and information notes ensure that emerging safety trends can be addressed. Our Safety Promotional Materials and online courses, provide the tools for Members to confidently strengthen their own Safety cultures.

Safety Statistics

Nearly one billion ‘man hours’ of offshore activity a year is now covered by our Safety Statistics.

Contractor Members share their information which is anonymised. This allows IMCA to provide insights on safety, health, and performance, and identify emerging trends. Members can download the data which sets a baseline from which to review their own performance.

Our archive goes back to 1996, telling the improving safety story of the offshore sector.


Fatal Accident Rate (FAR)


Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)


Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR)


Safety Oservation Frequency Rate (SOFR)

Latest Safety Flashes

Saturation diver exposed to chemicals from pipeline

During pigging and decommissioning operations, a saturation diver was exposed to the contents of a pipeline.

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MAIB: Parted mooring rope leads to fatality

A deck officer was killed during mooring operations when a mooring rope parted and struck him on the head.

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Confined space entry hot work fatality

An incident was brought to IMCA’s attention relating to a confined space entry hot work fatality in a shipyard.

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MAIB: Vessel cook injured by spillage of burning cooking oil

Cook receives burns from oil spill due to faulty thermostat. 

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MAIB: Step-ladder failure (LTI)

A crew member was working while stood on the top step of a small folding stepladder when the step gave way.

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