Our team of diving experts have more than 100 years’ collective real-life technical diving experience and, as global experts, are often called upon to advise regulators, governments and support Members.

Diving in the Technical Library

Latest related Guidance:

Guidelines for isolation and intervention: Diver access to subsea systems

This document provides comprehensive guidelines for isolation and intervention in subsea systems, specifically for diver access. It is aimed at project managers, engineers, and safety personnel involved in developing safe isolation schemes for subsea systems.

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Guidance on deck decompression chamber (DDC) operations for the therapeutic treatment of divers

The document provides comprehensive guidance on the operation of Deck Decompression Chambers (DDCs) for the therapeutic treatment of divers, emphasising the importance of competence, emergency planning, and adherence to safety standards.

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DESIGN for saturation (bell) diving systems

This document provides comprehensive guidance on the inspection, testing, and certification of saturation diving systems, emphasising the need for adherence to safety standards and regular updates to align with industry practices.

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Latest related Information Notes:

Medical examination of divers - Middle East & India initiative

Twelve Members in the Middle East & India (ME&I) region agreed jointly to recognise a number of doctors to conduct diver medicals to the standard cited in IMCA D 20/01.

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Recognition of in-water Spanish diving certification

Following an assessment of in-water Spanish diving certification, IMCA will now recognise the qualification specified herein.

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IMCA registration of in-water commercial diving training schools

IMCA has launched a scheme for registration of in-water diver training schools which offer courses leading to IMCA-recognised certification.

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