Station keeping incidents reported for 2001


Version history

June 2024 Rev. 0.1 – Page 2, template and bookmarking updated; no change in content

February 2003 – Initial publication



A total of 97 DP incidents are detailed in this publication. All the reports have been provided for information to IMCA members on the basis that the vessel name, owner and client at the time are kept confidential. Of the 97 included, only 21 are considered serious in DP terms (Position Loss 1). None of these incidents had catastrophic consequences in safety and/or pollution.

Of the 21 serious DP incidents the operator was only the primary cause of 3, however a case could be made to show that operator error might be a major part of up to 86% of these incidents. Operator in this context means any person involved from the designer to the DPO.

One of the dominant categories for both Position Loss 1 and Position Loss 2 incident primary causes is “Computers”. The reasons for this are that:

  • vessels have more computers
  • there are many more combinations of circumstances with more integrated systems
  • there is insufficient testing commissioning and QA with more integrated systems, and
  • computers include the networks that connect them.

The trends for the various causes of DP incidents depend on the data received. Generally the frequency of serious DP incidents has been downward even though there has been an increase in the number of new DP vessels.

IMCA and Global Maritime wish to thank all the members and others that have agreed to allow this data to be published.


  • Summary
  • Introduction
    • Instructions
    • Scope of work
    • DP Incidents 2001
  • Incident Data
    • Loss of Position 1
    • Loss of Position 2
    • Breakdown of Lost Time Incidents
    • Loss of Position 1 & 2 Combined
    • Combined Incidents 2001
    • Trend over last twelve years
    • Loss of Position 1 Type
    • Loss of Position 2 Type
  • Incident Reports
    • Loss of Position 1
    • Loss of Position 2 Type
    • Lost Time Incidents



Reference(s): DPSI12, IMCA M169
Published:June 2024
Grade:IMCA Informative Guidance

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