This document provides comprehensive guidance on the inspection of surface-oriented (air) diving systems, emphasising safety, regulatory compliance, and best practices within the offshore diving industry.
Part 1
List of Acronyms
The Competent Person
Planned Maintenance Systems (PMS)
Key Features of this Document
Completing the Document
Part 2
Record of Inspections
General Safety
Dive Control
Twinlock Air Chamber
Diver Launch and Recovery System (LARS)
Diving Basket
Wet Bell
Wet Bell Main Umbilical
Diver Heating System
Divers’ Umbilicals
Divers’ Personal Equipment
Compressors, Pumps, etc.
High Pressure Air and Gas Storage
Rev. 2.3 - October 2024October 2024, Rev. 2.3 - Items added to Part 2 Sections 11 (5.10) and 12 (4.3)
Rev. 2.2 - July 2024Lifting terminology updated per IMCA Information Note nr. 1665
Rev. 2.1 - January 2024Correction to Part 2 Detail Sheets item 1.17 of Section 5 (1.5 times replaced by 1.25 times), item 1.15 of Section 6 (1.5 times replaced by 1.25 times), and item 1.8 of Section 10 (removal of ‘in the last 12 months’)
Rev. 2 - August 2022Updated to clarify any anomalies and bring the guidance into alignment with current industry good practice
Rev. 1 - January 2014Updated to incorporate equipment improvements and changed operating practices since first publication
Rev. - February 2000Initial publication