The clock is ticking and time is running out for the IMO Member States to approve Mid-Term Measures (MTMs) which will be incorporated into a new chapter of the MARPOL Convention as part of the IMO’s Net-Zero Framework.
IMO Member states will continue their deliberations at the 19th Intersessional Working Group on Green House Gases (ISWG-GHG 19) which meets on 31 March and 1 April.
This will be the final opportunity for them to reach consensus on the MTMs that are scheduled to be approved at MEPC 83 (from 7 to 11 April) as part of the IMO’s revised greenhouse gas strategy, and which are expected to be adopted at an extraordinary session of the MEPC from 13 to 17 October.
The new requirements are extremely complex encompassing many elements, most notably a Global Fuel Standard (GFS) and a carbon pricing mechanism. Progress was made at MEPC 82 and at the 18th session of the Intersessional Working Group on Green House Gases (ISWG-GHG 18). IMCA was represented at all these both meetings which are summarised in Information Notes IN 1696 and IN 1702, respectively.
IMCA continues to engage with the IMO discussions to ensure that Members are fully informed about the new regulatory requirements and can prepare for their implementation.
IMCA’s Marine Policy & Regulatory Affairs (MPRA) Committee has submitted document MEPC 83/6/4 to MEPC 83 reporting on the outcome of its 5-year fuel consumption data collection initiative to assess the potential of two alternative proxies (Proxy A and Proxy B) as suitable metrics for assessing the carbon intensity of the offshore sector as part of IMO’s short-term measures. The Chair of the MPRA Committee will also attend MEPC 83 and the Committee will update the wider membership on the outcome.
IMCA will continue to update Members on its engagement with IMO. For further information contact