IMCA was a proud supporter of Subsea Expo in Aberdeen from 20 to 22 February, sponsoring the technical discussions on the Conference’s Teal Stage.
An active supporter of the industry event for many years – which offers great opportunities for networking with delegates, meeting Members, staying ahead of industry trends, and on top of the latest technological innovation – several IMCA colleagues attended this year.
Among them was Roger Moore, Technical Adviser – Remote Systems & ROV and Offshore Survey, who chaired an industry discussion on ROV Technology & Handling at the Teal Stage. The discussion featured a range of innovative solutions, with presentations on new ROV-related technology from MacArtny UK, Hoytek, HPR ROV, Connector Subsea Solutions, Bosch Rexroth and NOV.
The trade show offered glimpses into the future of ROV technology including advancements in autonomous navigation, AI integration, and increased use of Remote Operation Centres or “ROC”. In addition, many exhibitors highlighted eco-friendly solutions aimed at minimising the environmental impact of offshore operations with an obvious commitment to protecting our oceans and marine ecosystems.
Roger Moore, Technical Adviser – Remote Systems & ROV, Offshore Survey, IMCA said: “It was a privilege to attend Subsea Expo and to chair the discussion on ROV Technology and Handling. I returned with new insights and professional connections.“
“Highlights included the next generation of hybrid, Electric ROVs with improved navigation capabilities, better tool attachments and various tooling upgrades. Innovation is fast paced in this industry, and this was obvious when you walked around the show floor.”
“New satellite technology, faster communications, lower latency, and better mosaic 3D photogrammetry all mean we can work closer to underwater structures and navigate in narrower spaces. The future is bright for ROVs.”

ROCs can play a pivotal role in improving subsea activity by enabling efficient and safe ROV operations from onshore locations. ROCs ensure flexibility and reduces risk for employees while contributing to sustainability by minimising the offshore presence required.IMCA R004
The safe and efficient operation of ROVs
IMCA has this week published a major revision to one of its key ROV Guidance documents, The safe and efficient operation of remotely operated vehicles (IMCA R004) which focuses on safety and the operational guidance of ROVs.
The sixth revision of the document is now available for download by Members.
Roger Moore commented: “I’m delighted to share the sixth revision of this important document which includes details of Remote Operations Centres (ROCs).”
“ROCs can play a pivotal role in improving subsea activity by enabling efficient and safe ROV operations from onshore locations. ROCs ensure flexibility and reduces risk to employees while contributing to environmental sustainability, by minimising the offshore presence required. It also enables real-time monitoring and enhances decision-making thanks to the integration of AI components.”
“I would like to thank the Committee for their input, diligence, and time spent on the document.”