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IMCA produces a range of materials for its members as information notes, covering safety, technical, regulatory, commercial and various other issues relevant to its members.

Members can access all of these materials by logging in to this site. Non-members can view titles, for information, and a small number of individual articles deemed of wider public interest.

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Piracy and armed robbery – focusing on known ‘hot spots’

This information note prioritises known ‘Hot Spots’ of concern to IMCA Member companies and supplies useful links for security risk management decision making. The IMCA Security Committee recommends the shipping industry’s Maritime Global Security website providing additional guidance and links.South East AsiaThe Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1493 | Original reference(s) IMCA HSSE 05/20, IMCA M 04/20

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) presidential proclamation on entry as immigrants and non-immigrants

IMCA has received the following information from the US customs and Border Protection on the clarification for boarding crew, in which the US President has signed a number of ‘Presidential Proclamations’ entitled Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Certain Additional Persons Who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019

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| Information Note number 1487 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 03/20

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) decsion on B-1 (OCS) and B wind visas under President Trump’s proclamation

Please be advised that IMCA has just received the following interpretation in relation to visa requirements of crew engaged in offshore continental shelf (OCS) activities in the USA. CBP has interpreted the Presidential Proclamation of March 14, 2020 as follows: “It is CBP’s policy determination that aliens applying for admission

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| Information Note number 1486 | Original reference(s) IMCA M 02/20

Withdrawal of the IMCA Norwegian legislation module examination

IMCA has been advised that the Norwegian Industry and Authorities no longer require IMCA diving supervisory candidates intending to operate in Norwegian waters to sit and pass a separate Norwegian Legislation Module examination as part of the IMCA Certification scheme. This means that, with immediate effect, IMCA will no longer

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| Information Note number 1474 | Original reference(s) IMCA D 02/20

IMCA participation in marine autonomous ships regulatory working group (MASRWG)

IMCA are active members of the MASRWG committee and are fully engaged with all associated activities.  IMCA also attended the HCMM meeting in March, on-board the HQS Wellington, and represented MASRWG. For many people, MASS vessels are considered science fiction but, in reality, the technology is with us now and

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| Information Note number 1473 | Original reference(s) IMCA DIG 01/20

The role of the assessor and verifier

Members of the Competence & Training Core Committee have compiled the following information on the definition and role of the assessor and the verifier in competence assurance and assessment. Assessors […]

| Information Note number 1468 | Original reference(s) IMCA C 01/20

IMCA security bulletin 01/20

The IMCA Security Committee is determined to raise awareness of security issues that can potentially harm member companies.  Information provided in this regular Security Bulletin is intended to be used by members to either directly pass on to employees or use the material it contains as part of an existing

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1467

Use of composite cylinders for diving and underwater operations

1           Background Composite cylinders are increasingly being used for diving and underwater operations.  However, IMCA Members should note that unfortunately not all such cylinders are suitable for underwater use or as part of a diver’s breathing apparatus. This Information Note is intended to assist users to identify composite cylinders that

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| Information Note number 1466 | Original reference(s) IMCA D 13/19

Common industry technical specification for USBL Positioning systems

The IOGP Geomatics Committee has released Report 624-01 – Common Industry Technical Specification for the Calibration and Verification of Ultra Short Baseline (USBL) Positioning Systems.  The Report has been produced by the Surveying and Positioning Subcommittee’s Ultra Short Base Line (USBL) Task Force, which consisted of professionals from oil and

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1463 | Original reference(s) IMCA S 04/19

Update to the supplier categories of IMCA membership

As a reminder, IMCA would like to bring to the attention of its Members that the IMCA Bye-Laws were revised in May of this year to introduce changes in 2020 to the Supplier sub-categories of membership.  This was in order to give better clarity to the training membership categories which

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1461

IMCA security bulletin 04/19

The IMCA Security Committee is determined to raise awareness of security issues that can potentially harm member companies.  Information provided in this regular Security Bulletin is intended to be used by members to either directly pass on to employees or use the material it contains as part of an existing

This content is only available to members.

| Information Note number 1459

IMO 2020

A package of instruments in connection with the Sulphur cap On 1 January 2020 the global 0.50% limit for the sulphur content in fuel oil agreed by the International Maritime […]

| Information Note number 1454

532 post(s)