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IMCA registration of in-water commercial diving training schools

IMCA has launched a scheme for registration of in-water diver training schools which offer courses leading to IMCA-recognised certification. These schools can pay an annual fee to gain access to key documents in IMCA’s diving technical library.

This scheme is intended to promote the safe planning, operation and supervision of diver training activities by providing access to industry good practice guidance.

The scheme does not confer membership on schools. Unless schools offer other IMCA-approved courses, they are non-members of the Association.

Schools wishing to register for the scheme should complete the APPLICATION FORM. Subject to confirmation from the certifying authority and payment of an annual fee, schools will be provided with document access via our website and will be listed at

IMCA Contact

Chelsea Antrobus
Membership Services Team Lead

Information Note Details

Published date: 19 July 2024
Information note ID: 1687


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