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DP station keeping event bulletins enhance the traditional reporting and analysis of dynamic positioning station keeping events and incidents. They ensure that the industry is provided with prompt feedback, including anonymous factual case studies of events reported to IMCA.

Individual DP events are available individually online, tagged and searchable, while the traditional PDF collections are also available for download.

To be included into the subscription list for the DP Event Bulletin emails, email [email protected]

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All members are encouraged to contribute relevant DP information by using our reporting template which is available under Submit a Report where you will also see details on how to submit your information.

IMCA Contact

Richard Purser
Technical Adviser - Marine

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News in Brief

DP Conference 2022 IMCA will be hosting an International DP Conference on the 31 May – 1 June 2022.  The conference is to be held at the Steinberger Airport Hotel […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 01/22

DP Drill Scenario

DP emergency drill scenarios are included to assist DP vessel management and DPOs / Engineers and ETOs to conduct DP drills onboard.  The intent is that the template can be […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 01/22

Solitons – Be Mindful

A number of our members have submitted DP Event Reports which highlighted the phenomena of a sudden loss of position due to Solitons.  Solitons are large amplitude, often highly nonlinear, […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 01/22

Case Study – Closed Bus Common Cause

1 Overview of event A DP2 ROV Support Vessel was conducting a pipe survey in open water.  As the consequence of loss of position was considered low, it was decided […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 01/22

Case Study – Force off Position

1 Overview A DP Class 3 vessel was conducting pipelay operations in the high North Sea area.  Weather conditions were deteriorating quickly and in accordance with the ASOG, it was […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 01/22

Case Study – Masking of PRSs – SIMOPS

1 Overview of Event An Offshore Supply Vessel (OSV) was working alongside a Pipelay Vessel, discharging cargo whilst the Pipelay Vessel was executing moves ahead approximately 25m every 10 minutes. […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 01/22

News in Brief

DP Conference 2022 IMCA will be hosting an International DP Conference on the 31st May – 1st June 2022 to be held in Amsterdam Netherlands, program of Topics to be […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 04/21

DP Emergency Drill Scenario

DP emergency drill scenarios are included to assist DP vessel management and DPOs / Engineers and ETOs to conduct DP drills onboard.  The intent is that the template can be […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 04/21

Configuration – PRS’s Hidden Common Failure

A vessel was conducting ROV operations in the North Sea in open water, and was believed to be configiured as per the ASOG with open bus 2-way split, four thrsters […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 04/21

Swift action saved stress – Know your vessel

Comments from the report: This is a positive report which highlights how familiarity of Key DP Personnel with the vessels Critical DP systems can lead to a successful outcome following […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 04/21

Action Error – Was an ASOG in Place?

Considerations of the IMCA Marine DP Committee from the above event: This was a simple case of Key DP personnel not being included in the ASOG process, the ASOG should […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 04/21

News In Brief

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 03/21

DP Emergency Drill Scenario

DP emergency drill scenarios are included to assist DP vessel management and DPOs/Engineers and ETOs to conduct DP drills onboard.  The intent is that the template can be used on […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 02/21

DP2 Service Operations Vessel (SOV) DP Incident

Case narrative A DP2 walk to work vessel was operating inside an offshore windfarm manoeuvring into position to permit transfer of people and cargo to a wind turbine  by means […]

| Included in IMCA DP Event Bulletin 02/21

156 post(s)