Two subscription levels are available, each providing access to four new learning units each year, as well as access to related diving guidance from IMCA - the de-factor standard for working safely offshore:

  • Diving CPD Pro offshore fixed air and bell learning paths for IMCA-certified diving supervisors (for whom completion is mandatory), and trainees working towards certification (optional, but encouraged). Early access is provided to the latest content, with quarterly tests to remain 'in-date'.
  • Diving CPD Mix is open to anyone with a working interest in offshore diving, with users able to select content of interest from the full catalogue, with no restrictions or completion requirements. Reduced fees are available for training instructors via IMCA-recognised providers.

CPD users can share their detailed progress, while the in-date status of current IMCA diving supervisor certificates can be checked via our verification tool.

Join more than 1,500 CPD users today.

Meet your Diving Supervisor CPD requirements with our easy-to-use app.

Continuous learning

Eight units of learning material and assessments are available at any one time on the app, with the oldest unit removed as a new one is added. Four units are added a year.

Current units include the modules below with core content supplemented by air diving and/or bell/saturation diving content.

CM = Core Module; ADS = Air Diving; BDS = Bell/saturation Diving.

CM 41 – SF 22/24 Diver Exposed to Production Gas
CM42 – SF04/15 Diver Fainted
ADS 81 – Concrete Mattress Handling
ADS 82 - Diving Ops from Vessel Operating in DP Mode
ADS 83 – Management of Change Worked Example
ADS 84 – Refresher Diving Physics
BDS 21 – DMAC 28 Rev 3 Provision of Medical Care

CM 39 – SF 17/24 Lifeboat Air Cylinder Explosion
CM 40 – SF 18/24 Lift Bag Unintentional Release
ADS 77 – IMCA D061 Non-Declaration of Medial Issues
ADS 78 – Emergency Drills & Drill Matrices
ADS 79 – Management of Change Part 2 of 2
ADS 80 – IMCA D082 Underwater Ship Husbandry Part 3 of 3
BDS 20 – Changes to the Guidance on CPR in the Bell

CM37 - Diver's umbilical trapped during a pipeline flooding operation.
CM38 - Loss of pressure to diver's air supply.
ADS73 - Diving from small vessels.
ADS74 - Selection of crane mode for subsea operations.
ADS75 - Air lift bag rigging.
ADS76 - Air chamber operations.
BDS19 - Transfer under pressure safe practices.

CM35 – Loss of Heading Control on an FPU.
CM36 – Divers Lifted Off Seabed by Clump Weight.
ADS69 – Guidance on Diving Umbilical Management (IMCA D078) (part three of three).
ADS70 – Management of change (part one of two).
ADS71 – Underwater Ships Husbandry (IMCA D082) (part two of three).
ADS72 – Neurological Assessment of Divers.
BDS18 – Saturation Diver Fatality Due to Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S).

CM33 – Selection and use of appropriate shackles.
CM34 – Divers on surface decompression fed air instead of oxygen.
ADS65 – Diving operations from vessels operating in dynamically positioned mode (IMCA D010) (part two of two).
ADS66 – Guidance on Diving Umbilical Management (IMCA D078) (part two of three).
ADS67 – Underwater Ships Husbandry (IMCA D082) (part one of three).
ADS68 – Diving and worksite communications.
BDS17 – IMCA D077 The Prevention and Mitigation of Lost Bell Emergencies (part three of three).

Diving CPD FAQs

Diving Supervisors perform a safety critical role. 

Before the introduction of the app, there was no effective means of ensuring they kept abreast of changes in good practice and the latest diving Guidance.

To maintain the standing of Supervisors and IMCA's certification scheme, it was essential that a CPD programme was introduced, which we did via an App. Incorporating the latest training techniques, it supports users to keep up-to-date with current information and guidelines from IMCA.

The positive reception led IMCA to expand the availability of the app, first to Trainees, and now to anyone with a working interest in commercial offshore diving. 

Yes. Each unit comprises two core modules and four air diving supervisor modules that must be completed by all Diving Supervisors in the order presented to them.

In addition, there is a bell diving module within each unit which is only available to Bell Diving Supervisors and must also be completed by them to remain “in-date.”

Other users have access to all content with no completion requirements – they can browse and complete as it suits them. 

You will be able to access and download any IMCA diving guidance used in any of the app modules. 

Separately, alternative access to our full Technical Library is provided to anyone working for an IMCA  Member – simply register or login to the IMCA website with your work email address.

The App is open to all IMCA-qualified diving supervisors, plus those holding Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS), Diver Certification Board of Canada (DCBC) and NDC-CI (Dutch) offshore diving supervisor certificates.

Trainee Diving Supervisors can also access the programme via their IMCA accredited Training Provider. As CPD is not mandatory for trainees, they are not added to our verification tool.

Trainees must be registered by their training provider to get free/discounted access and to ensure their CPD completion is tracked which can be used to meet future certification requirements.

All IMCA Diving Supervisors who wish to maintain the validity of their certificates must undertake appropriate CPD going forward. 

IMCA will consider evidence of appropriate CPD that has not been undertaken using the IMCA Diving CPD app, but this CPD record must be of equivalent standard to the IMCA programme and certified as true by an appropriate independent third-party provider. 

Self-certified CPD records will not be accepted.

IMCA encourages all eligible diving supervisors to register for the IMCA Diving CPD App and start using it as an appropriate means of maintaining the validity of their diving supervisor certificates.

Yes! The CPD App has recently been extended to Trainee Air and Bell Diving Supervisors. While enrolment on the programme is not mandatory for Trainees, they are encouraged to join to stay informed and up to date as they embark on a safety-critical career. 

Enrolment also prepares Trainees for qualification as a Diving Supervisor, at which point enrolment and successful completion of the latest units becomes mandatory for their certificate to remain in-date.

Trainees interested should contact their Training Provider to access the App. As CPD is not mandatory for trainees, they are not added to our verification tool.

Trainees must be registered by their training provider to get free/discounted access and to ensure their CPD completion is tracked which can be used to meet future certification requirements.